2014 on a ferry ride to a distant island, we met Tatay Fidel. ( if you have
been reading the blogs here, you already know the story, if not just check the
older posts about this man). This man put his faith in Christ and shared to his
entire family. Some he called on cellphone just to share to them the story of Creation to Christ
and had this 5 truths with him with our contact number on the back. His wife,
Nanay Teresita called us after three
days asking if we could come to explain to them the story. That year, that
season, we could not.
She got her
bibles out. I looked though one New testament. I found this 5 Truths Tracts
inside. I recognized it. It was it. The exact tracts we handed Tatay Fidel on the
27 hour ferry ride! Nanay Teresita saw me holding it and said that she has kept
that. Tatay had her read that. “This brought
us here” exclaimed Hagen (one of the guys on the team).
with Nanay Gising (in blue) and Nanay Tereista (middle) |
I always
desire and hope that those that i, we share the Gospel to would come to faith. I
always desire and hope that when cast to them the vision to pass the Gospel
message on, that they would. That when I hand a piece of tracts that they would
read it. That when I write my number on it, they would contact us so we could
help them grow. That they would follow through. Some do. I know some did not. but
my heart was never prepared for something like this. My faith was not big enough
to expect this to happen. That may sound bad, but that’s good for me for because
of that I am even more amazed, not with
the tracts, not with the vision casting, or that we got to share to him, but
amazes me is God’s faithfulness even if my faith was so little. I am in awe of
Him, how his love is just that big, his power is just that great, his plan just
so true and not anything can stop it and he can use anything, any situation,
any long or short time to do great great things.
in Seaweed Island: Austin and Bryan with Nanay's daughter and grandson |
Tatay Fidel
is already in heaven . we only saw him gain last year when we visited their island
to ask if teams could come. God took him home, January 3 2014.
We never got a picture with him. We got a picture
of this 5 truths only and so many pictures and memories and stories of how his
faith in Christ lead to all this.
Look what God can do!
- Cecil :D