"I am excited for the area and for the people there who have not heard the Word of God and to be used by God for that." Jael
"I am excited because I want to share the Gospel with the
people who do know our Savior." Jimmerson
“For me, I am most excited about being a leader. Especially in Dinagat Island. It is a good place but in the spiritual aspect it is not. I am excited also, to see how God will use me personally.” Keila
“I am excited to go to the Sawata Ata Tribe because I know it is God’s will and of course I am excited because there are a lot of people [in the Sawata Ata Tribe] that does not know Christ or have a relationship with Christ- and I don’t want them to die without knowing him. I am also excited to go because I have a lot of family there. I have prayed for this place and I know God will do amazing things in the Sawata Ata Tribe! Thank you for your prayers, I know you are praying for us.” Vonn
“ Going to the field and reaching and telling the people
about God.” Rey