Monday, April 6, 2015

Gate 6: Fountain Gate – Holy Spirit


Lee-an, Gigi, Annie, Gwen
It is impossible to live the Christian life. That is something that God taught me through this gate and understanding that, the Lord taught me how I need to live my life totally surrendered to Him. Like a baby in the womb totally surrounded by water. No baby can survive in the water but babies in the womb do! The baby survives in that sack of water because it is attached to the mother by the umbilical cord through which the mother supplies everything that the baby needs.

The life of the baby is sustained by the life of the mother. If the mother would stop breathing and her heart would stop beating, so would the baby. If the mother would not eat, the baby will not receive the nourishment it needs. The total dependence of the baby to the mother  is a picture of how our dependence on the LORD should look like: that we could not survive with without Jesus; that we need to be totally dependent on Jesus with our very life.

abide by the ONE who knows the way
 “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” – john 15:5

Through the Holy Spirit we can experience Christ-life. Like the umbilical cord, He is our lifeline. Through the Holy Spirit Christ provides us everything that we need to live His life as we walk with Him. Therefore, Christian life is a life of total dependence on God. Like what the Apostle Paul wrote, “ I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the son of God who loved me and gave himself for me.” – Galatians 2:20

Just like the Apostle Paul, I have been crucified with Christ and the life I live now is not my own. He is now living in me and He is working on and working in me. My role is to live by faith and daily declare and live a life of total dependence to the Lord Jesus Christ that He may live His life through me.

Without Christ, I cannot live the Christian life. I am not holy but I train to be holy. Through the life that Christ has given me, by the indwelling and infilling of the Holy Spirit, I can live the Christian life and I can be more like Him.

If you are in Christ and Christ is in you, you can say of Him, “For me to live is Christ.”

Gigi and Gwen
-      Gigi, 24
South Cotabato

 *pray with Gigi and the Samar-Leyte Nehemiah Teams as they start their orientations. may the Lord give her wisdom as she teaches and trains the volunteers.
pray also for her as she goes back to Ulot River to continue follow up after orientation. 
Gigi plans to stay longer in Samar to continue follow up in the river villages.