Tuesday, November 6, 2012


The When
Each Franchise has their own orientation that is specifically tailored for their teams and targeted area of service. Please check the brochure on www.nehemiahteams.com (click on the Filipino NT button on the right sidebar).

The Where
Because each franchise handles their own orientation (& debrief) each one takes place in a different location. For the specific location of your desired franchise’s orientation please download the brochure.

The What
The purpose of or it to prepare and equip the current NT participants for the field it is 3-5 days in length which allows for each participants to learn several ways of sharing the Gospel. NT is not looking for spiritual giants- but for young people that are willing to humble themselves, submit to God, and to learn how to be willing to be used by God for His kingdom expansion.

The What
Orientation is a training time that equips, prepares, and mobilizes the NT participants for action. It is a time dedicated to learning evangelism methods, practicing said methods and building team unity. This practical education includes (but not limited to):
            Evangelism: Gospel Hand, Personal Testimony, Story Telling, Creation to Christ, Participatory Bible Study, VBS Training
            NT Values: Ten Gates, NT Goals, Vision, and Mission, World Christian Bible Studies, Mission Biographies, Scripture Memorization, Team Building Games and Trust Activities, and Personal Quiet Time

Do not let fear of inadequacy be an obstacle to your obeying God. Join NT and come ready to learn and see what God can do through your life!