Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Gate TWO brought to you by Prem Narayan Bhattarai

Name: Prem Narayan Bhattarai
Ministry Involvement & Title: Nepal Baptist Youth Fellowship (Executive Secretary)
Short Bio: I am from a beautiful country with Himalayas; Nepal known as the height pick of the world Mt. Everest. I am serving as youth secretary for Nepal Baptist Youth Fellowship (NBYF), which is youth department of Nepal Baptist Church Council (NBCC).

Gate # 2: The Fish Gate (Soul winning)

Short Description
The city of Jerusalem was surrounded by the wall. Basically, in those days; walls used to be made to protect the cities. The city Jerusalem had 12 gates surrounded walls. This second gate, The Fish Gate was a gate in the north wall, just a little to the east of the modern Damascus gate. It was the closest gate to the fish market, and it is believed that fishermen from the Sea of Galilee and the Jordan River, Jewish and Syrian alike, used this gate to bring fish to market.

#1 Why/ How is this gate important to the Christian Faith?
As this gate used to be use mainly to bring fish to the market, what could be the importance to the Christian faith for us? As Jesus called the early disciples to be a part of His ministry He specifically gave the answer this question. He said; "'Come, follow me,' Jesus said, 'and I will make you FISHERS OF MEN.'" (Matt 4:19-20). So, this is our basic mandate to be a Christian we are to be fishers of men and we are to feed people spiritually.

#2 How can this Gate be applied to one’s personal walk/ faith?
We are to witness Christ because all nations should praise and worship Him. This gate is right after the 1st gate, Sheep Gate (Salvation), which means as we are saved we are to witness people and save them. The Bible says, “the harvest in plentiful but the workers are few… “(Luke 10:2-4). Charls Spurgeon says, “If you have no desire to see other people saved; then you are not saved yourself, be sure of that.”

#3 What is the most important lesson you learned from this gate?
If I have to answer why this soul winning is important then I simply say, IF YOU SAY NO, HE IS NOT YOUR LORD, IF HE IS YOUR LORD YOU CAN NOT SAY NO! The Fish Gate speaks to us of evangelism! We have all been called to be "fishers of men"! This is our call so we must to this.

#4 What have you learned from this gate that you would like to encourage/ challenge the blog reader with?
My dear friends we have received Lord, now it is not enough just to enjoy and keep silent. We are commanded to tell others. The Great commission (Matt. 28:18-19) is for all of us and it has to be done (Matt 24:30). So shall we move forward to Preach the Good News?
