Saturday, March 22, 2014

AOT 3: Advancing with the Gospel

Finishing Well

Leaders nowadays find it easy to start both strong and well, but not finish in the same manner. They easily jump to conclusion saying, “Maybe this kind of ministry is not effective at all, I’ll just start a new one.” They seem to question the effectiveness of a ministry without trying to recognize the barriers in their leadership that keeps them from finishing well.
Let me share with you some things that we have discussed here at AOT that we need to finish well.

1.        Maintain a personal vibrant  relationship with God right up to the end.
        In the book Tale of Three Kings by Gene Edwards, he pointed out David winning his solitary battles. It is these times that brought David to success. He spent time singing praises to God, practicing sling shot and tending the sheep. It is important that we cultivate out time with God. The KEY TO SUCCESS lies in our intimate love relationship with God. As what Henry Blackaby said, “EVERYTHING in our Christian life depends on our love relationship with God.”

2.       Maintains a learning posture and learns from various kind of resources – but especially from life. Just like JESUS did when He chose Hid disciples, He chose F.A.T. (Faithful, Available, and Teachable) people. it is important we are FAITHFUL. Being faithful in small things leads to be ing faithful in big things. Being AVAILABLE is also vital. Leading is not about ABILITY but AVAILABILITY. And last but not the least we should have a TEACHABLE/ HUMBLE heart. Sometimes we don’t have this. We become proud when we are being taught.

3.       Gives evidence of Christ-likeness in character through the fruit of the Spirit in his life.
we call ourselves “CHRISTIANS” which means “little Christ”. we should give evidence of Christ-likeness in our life. Through our lives, we can be a living testimony and a channel to others of Christ’s life.

4.      Lives out truth in life such that his convictions and the promises of God are seen to be real.
Living a life with integrity is vital -- Life with no cover ups, no sham and completely genuine. “What they see in you with people is what you are when you are alone.” We should have convictions (firm belief) in our life. Integrity is the Heart of Character and the Foundation for effective leadership. God is more concerned on what we need to be rather than what we need to do for Him.

5.       Leaves behind one or more ultimate contributions – that is, a lasting legacy.
Leaving a lasting legacy shows that God’s work is continuing and not ceasing. It shows us that God never leaves us nor forsake us  (Hebrews 13:5) through our life. It shows the result of what God can do through one person totally surrendered to Him.

6.      Walks with a growing awareness of a sense of destiny and sees some or all of it fulfilled.         
It is important that we have a LONG VISION in what we are doing. By believing in a vision, we can see where God will take us. By believing in a vision, we are putting ALL-EVERYTHING to God. God is at work, not me.  (Philippians 2:13)

This is just a tiny bit of what I have learned so far in training. This I really likes though because it showed me what I need to be able to finish well.

 God spoke to me many times here. Every day he gives me new insights and learning. God’s power is indescribable and immeasurable. I’m learning so much from God that I can’t write them all! J
God wants me to adjust my life to His will and cultivate my time and effort in my love relationship with Him. He wants me to become broken and empty before Him so that He can fill me with His Spirit into overflowing. I pray that God will continue to mold me and build me a character to match the assignment He will give me. That my life will only be for His purpose. Not “I” but Christ. (Galatians 2:20)

First of all I thank God for his sustaining grace in my life. I also thank the people who continue to pray for me. I thank the people who supported me to this training. I thank my Church – Mangagoy Baptist church for their support. I thank God for speaking and showing me new learnings every day.

 -For my family (all will be settled)
  -For Nehemiah Teams this summer
  -For my life to be used more for God’s honor and                            glory
  -Provision for my schooling and for joining Nehemiah Teams
  -More courage, spiritual strength and growth

  -To obey and experience God more. 

-          --- Vijoren, 16 (Mangagoy, Surigao)